Nobody is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main …
John Donne
Sylvia Galos on social media and networks
Networking and communicating with other people is easier than ever these days. In contrast to the one-way communication offered by traditional media, social media works in both directions. Of course, it takes some effort to use these possibilities - I actually want to paint first and foremost.
The chance of limitless connection with the world.
Especially in times of limited contact, social media offer me the opportunity to show art enthusiasts, art collectors and gallery owners apart from exhibitions to a much greater extent than before, to talk about my work and to receive feedback. The chance of sharing and recommending is high - and with it the possibility of expanding my so-called "community" far beyond my circle of friends and acquaintances across national borders.
Feedback as motivation
This feedback on my artistic work is, in addition to the monetary reward, an important motivating factor. Using my pictures to get into conversation with people fills me with great joy. Interesting conversations with "old" friends and new acquaintances always bring new experiences and insights.
Up close on Instagram
On Instagram you can see my current work and highlights from my artistic life. You are among the first to learn new things about me and my art. If you follow me, I will follow you. Connectedness inspires!
An enrichment for your and my network
Expand our network on LinkedIn and let us benefit from interesting and committed contacts!
Feedback on Facebook
I would be delighted if you rewarded my Facebook page with a "like", comment and share it with others. Thank you very much!